iOS 17

Everything New in the iOS 17.5 Beta

Tuesday April 16, 2024 3:08 pm PDT by
Apple is currently testing iOS 17.5, the fifth major update to the iOS 17 operating system that came out last September. Like iOS 17.4, iOS 17.5 primarily focuses on regulatory changes in the European Union, but there are a few other features worth noting. This guide aggregates everything that's been found during the iOS 17.5 beta testing period so far. App Downloads From Websites (EU...

iPhone 15 Pro vs. iPhone 16 Pro: 30 Rumored Upgrades Compared

Monday April 15, 2024 8:53 am PDT by
After over a year of rumors, there are now 30 changes and improvements expected to be offered by the iPhone 16 Pro models later this year. Subscribe to the MacRumors YouTube channel for more videos. All of the changes the ‌iPhone 16 Pro‌ models are expected to feature compared to their direct forerunners are listed below, using information from reliable sources that we have previously covered. ...
iOS 18 WWDC 24 Feature 2

When Will iOS 18 Be Released?

Thursday April 11, 2024 7:01 am PDT by
Set to be announced at this year's Worldwide Developers Conference, iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 are Apple's next-generation operating systems for iPhone and iPad. Apple's 35th annual Worldwide Developers Conference will take place from June 10 to June 14, with a keynote event set to be held on Monday, June 10 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time to introduce the new software. Shortly after the...
ipads yellow sale imag

When Are New iPads Coming Out?

Thursday April 11, 2024 5:30 am PDT by
The last iPad Apple released was the 10th generation ‌iPad‌ in October 2022, over 540 days ago. With no ‌iPad‌ launches in 2023, there's pent-up demand for a new generation of models. So when are they expected to arrive? Here's what the latest rumors say. iPad Pro & iPad Air Apple will likely launch new ‌iPad Pro‌ and ‌iPad Air‌ models during the second week of May, according to well-connected Blo...

Apple's Work on Robots: What We Know So Far

Friday April 5, 2024 4:34 pm PDT by
With the Apple Car canceled, Apple is exploring new markets where it might be able to find new revenue streams, and personal robotics is apparently one area the company is investigating. This guide highlights everything we know about Apple's interest in robotics, and we'll update it with new rumors going forward. The Robot Rumors According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, Apple is looking for ...
iPhone 12 128GB Feature

Is 128GB Enough iPhone Storage?

Saturday March 30, 2024 6:00 am PDT by
The iPhone 15 offers "lots of storage for lots of photos," or at least that's what Apple boasts in its latest ad. Whether that rings true for you depends on what you do with your iPhone, and which storage option you choose. But before you open your wallet, here are some things to consider. The entry-level storage tier for the iPhone 15 is 128GB. That's a notable increase from the 64GB...
iOS 17

When Will Apple Release the iOS 17.5 Beta? [Update: Now Available]

Tuesday April 2, 2024 10:11 am PDT by
With iOS software releases, it is typical for Apple to be constantly iterating. When a new version of iOS comes out, a new iOS beta almost always follows the day after. iOS 17.4 was released on Tuesday, March 5, and no iOS 17.5 beta followed as is typical. So when might Apple provide the first iOS 17.5 beta? It's now been more than three weeks since the launch of iOS 17.4, and pauses like...
Apple vs DOJ Feature

Apple vs. the U.S. Department of Justice: What You Need to Know

Monday March 25, 2024 4:25 pm PDT by
On March 21, the United States Justice Department sued Apple for antitrust violations, concluding a multi-year investigation into Apple's business practices. The U.S. government is also pursuing antitrust cases against Google, Amazon, and Meta, as part of an expansive look into the practices of major tech companies. Apple plans to "vigorously defend" against the DoJ's lawsuit, which seeks to ...
Apple Vision Pro Dual Loop Band Teal Feature 2

When Is Apple Vision Pro Coming Out in the UK and Elsewhere?

Monday March 25, 2024 8:29 am PDT by
Now that Apple's Vision Pro spatial computing headset has launched in the United States, when will it become available to buy in other countries? Here's what we know. Officially, Apple has said that following the U.S. launch of Apple Vision Pro on February 2, 2024, the device will be coming to more countries later in the year, though the company has so far stopped short of officially...
iPhone 14 vs 16 Feature

iPhone 14 vs. iPhone 16: 30+ Upgrades to Expect

Saturday March 16, 2024 7:00 am PDT by
After over a year of reports, there are now more than a dozen specific rumors about the features and improvements set to be offered by the two non-Pro iPhone 16 models later in 2024. While the upgrades that the ‌iPhone 16‌ offers over the iPhone 15 will likely be at the center of Apple's marketing strategy later this year, many users are on two-year upgrade cycles, so the features introduced...
samsung galaxy ring

Apple Ring Rumors: What We've Heard About Apple's Work on a Smart Ring

Thursday March 14, 2024 3:26 pm PDT by
There have been several rumors in recent weeks about Apple's work on a finger-worn smart ring, and while it's not clear if the project is in active development at this time, we thought we'd round up the rumors that are circulating. Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Ring This guide aggregates what we've heard so far on an Apple-branded smart ring. Potential Features A February rumor from Electronic...
m3 macbook air green

Is 8GB of RAM Enough for a Mac in 2024?

Monday March 11, 2024 7:02 am PDT by
The debate over whether 8GB of RAM is sufficient for a Mac has long been a topic of contention. The controversy goes back to at least 2012, when Apple launched the first MacBook Pro with Retina display, which started with 8GB of RAM. Apple still offers 8GB as the base configuration for its 14-inch MacBook Pro, not to mention its M3 iMac and the latest MacBook Air models. Coupled with the...
MacBook Air 15 Inch Feature Yellow

MacBook Air Buyer's Guide: Comparing the Generations

Friday March 8, 2024 8:15 am PST by
Apple's MacBook Air has undergone some major changes in recent years, including the switch to Apple silicon, a complete redesign, and the introduction of a 15-inch model, making it all the more important to consider if now is a good time to upgrade or if an older model will suffice for your needs. Following its latest refresh, Apple discontinued the M1 13-inch ‌MacBook Air‌ from 2020 and the...
iOS 17 Messages Feature

10 Hidden Messages Features on iPhone

Wednesday March 13, 2024 5:59 am PDT by
If you're an ‌‌iPhone‌‌ user you know how the Messages app works. But when Apple released iOS 17 last year, it introduced an overhauled interface for the Messages app that includes several useful hidden functions and customization options that might not be obvious to the average user. Below, we've collected 10 of our favorite tips that we hope will make your Messages experience more ...
M2 MBA vs M2 MacBook Pro Buyers Guide Feature

MacBook Air vs. MacBook Pro Buyer's Guide: 30+ Differences Compared

Monday March 11, 2024 8:14 am PDT by
Apple recently updated the MacBook Air by adding the M3 chip, so how do the new machines compare to its latest MacBook Pro models? Despite now being similar in appearance, the ‌MacBook Air‌ and the MacBook Pro are very different devices, so should you consider purchasing the 13- or 15-inch ‌MacBook Air‌, which start at $999, to save money, or do you need one of the higher-end 14- or 16-inch...
iOS 17

iOS 17.4 Features: What's New in iOS 17.4

Tuesday March 5, 2024 1:28 pm PST by
Apple today released the iOS 17.4 update that brings some major changes to the iPhone (and the iPad) in Europe. Many of the biggest changes in iOS 17.4 are limited to people in the European Union, but there new additions in the update that are available worldwide. In this article, we've rounded up everything new in iOS 17.4. EU Changes Apple is changing the way the App Store and apps...
MacBook Air Multiple Sizes Feature

13-Inch vs. 15-Inch MacBook Air Buyer's Guide

Tuesday March 5, 2024 7:48 am PST by
The MacBook Air continues to be available in 13- and 15-inch sizes after Apple's latest refresh that added the M3 chip. The 15-inch ‌MacBook Air‌ offers almost all of the same hardware with a significantly larger display, yet there are still some key differences that are worth considering when purchasing one of the machines. The 13- and 15-inch ‌MacBook Air‌ models are almost exactly the same in ...
M2 MBA vs M3 MacBook Air Buyers Guide Feature

M2 vs. M3 MacBook Air Buyer's Guide: All Differences Compared

Monday March 4, 2024 8:18 am PST by
Apple today brought the MacBook Air up to date with its latest-generation Apple silicon. The company has reworked the lineup and its pricing, phasing out the M1 machine from 2020 and discontinuing the 15-inch M2 ‌MacBook Air‌ introduced in June 2023, so which model should you buy? The 2024 MacBook Air is available in 13.6- and 15.3-inch display sizes just like its predecessor, with the smaller ...
macbook air purple february

Apple's 2024 M3 MacBook Air Refresh: What to Expect

Thursday February 29, 2024 1:17 pm PST by
Apple updated the MacBook Pro line with M3 chips late last year, but the MacBook Air has yet to be refreshed with the new hardware. That could change as soon as late March, with rumors suggesting an iPad and Mac-centric event is in the works. We're expecting new versions of the ‌MacBook Air‌, and this guide highlights everything we know about the upcoming machines. Size and Design As of...
Apple car wheel icon feature purple

Apple Car History - Where Did Development Go Wrong?

Wednesday February 28, 2024 1:19 pm PST by
After spending a decade developing an autonomous car, Apple this week decided it was time to pull an AirPower and shut down the project. The Apple Car is no more, and Apple is no longer planning to release an Apple-branded electric vehicle. The hundreds of engineers and car experts who were working on the vehicle will be laid off or distributed to other teams within Apple, including the AI...